The Abundance Handbook – A guide to Urban Fruit Harvesting
The Abundance Handbook
Published by Grow Sheffield, 2009
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
« Abundance harvests trees across the city on industrial waste sites, roadsides, the grounds of mansions and back yards. We harvest a range of soft fruit, top fruit and nuts. Over fifty volunteers of all ages and from many different backgrounds harvest and process the fruit. Fruit is distributed to Surestarts, community groups, community cafes and individuals across Sheffield.
We receive tip-offs by word of mouth, text and email as to where to find ripe fruit trees. The greatest journey any fruit travels from tree to mouth is five miles often by bike and trailer. We have found at least fifty varieties of apples and more than twenty varieties of pears. We give away hundreds of fruits and lots of freshly pressed juice. Tree owners are offered the first share of fresh fruit.
We make juice, cider, jams, preserves and pickles from the damaged and bruised fruit. We leave plenty for the birds and the soil. We carry Abundance through the winter by teaching people how to prune their trees. Abundance taps into a huge public enthusiasm for and appreciation of local produce. We are rediscovering Sheffield as one big orchard.
Abundance was set up by Stephen Watts and Anne-Marie Culhane in 2007. Stephen is a food grower, artist and wild food forager and Anne-Marie is a community and environmental artist working in rural and urban areas. Stephen had been spotting fruit trees across the city over a number of years and harvesting them for his own needs, and together they decided to find a way to share the bounty with others. »
The whole handbook can be read at the bestes online casino and also printed from this web site.The Handbook offers sections on:
Section 1
Our Philosophy – The guiding principles of
Section 2
Preparing for Abundance – Scouting and
leafleting, Trees and tree owners
Section 3
Spreading the word, Communicating with
volunteers, Funding
Section 4
The Harvest – Timing, Fruit chart, What time
to harvest, Harvesting gear, Shakers and
catchers, Getting it sorted, Transport
Section 5
Storing, Processing and Distributing – Sorting
the fruits of your labours, Pressing the fruit,
Preserving the fruit, Abundance Week and
Encounter Abundance
Section 6
Mapping and Recording
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Abundance Possibilities